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Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Then new year!

So 2009 is almost over and 2010 is almost here. Now what? Ah yes time for the resolutions....or not! Well I decided to start losing weight but didn't wait until the new year. I got the YOUR SHAPE for the wii and got started. I LOVE IT! I have already lost weight and feel better. After New Year's Day I am going to start a body clease to get rid of.....well last year! lol I also see A LOT of people paying for memeberships for people to help them save money. What I don't understand is why? It is so easy to do yourself or get together with a group of friends and cut/trade coupons. I would love to hear ideas on what you are doing. But I would like it to be from people who don't use the pay websites. Ok so next.....I am making a BUDGET! I downloaded a program and it lists everything you will need to manage money. I want to start getting things ready for college. We have two that graduate the same year.

I also would love to hear everyones ideas for keeping the house clean. Do you do certain chores on certain days? Clean a little everyday? I would love to know. I work and have two teenagers and a two year old. And well.... I clean and then i turn around and it is messed up again. Ok well off I go to clean.....clean....oh man......forget it! lol just kidding I will get a little bit done today.

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