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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Natural family

Here is my web page! Please checkit out. I will be switching over to there with my blogs!!!

Monday, February 22, 2010


I think today is a day of reflection. Aday to look back and remember to be blessed for what we have.


Ok now is the time to order!!! Vistaprint has free products and free shipping. SO HURRY!!!!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Rite Aid 2/21/2010


Snicker bars .88 cents B1G1 for a .01
Use .50 coupon in sundays paper= .38 for two

Batteries are B1G1 for a .01
Use coupons from P&G last month and I think there is one in this month. Must be 6pk or larger. 5.99 each - 1.00 coupon per package = 10.00


Charman is 4.99
Use 1.00 coupon to make it 3.99

Cover Girl is B1G1 50% off
use coupons from last months paper
1.00 off each product or the 2.50 off 2 products

Friday, February 19, 2010

My favorite party ideas.

In four months we will be having our wedding reception. I though that you might like ideas on how to have a reception/wedding on a budget.

1. CALL AROUND! I can't stress this enough.
2. Use an outdoor public park for the wedding. Most parks are under $75.00 ( I rented it for $25 for four hours).
3. Rent a hall that doesn't require that you cater your event. Knights of Columbus haves are great. (our hall will hold 700 people and we have it until 2am) We paid $1400.00 with full use of the kitchen and bar.
4. I have asked if people would be willing to help with the cooking. We are having a summer fun reception so we are having a nacho bar for the kids and sloppy joes and spagetti.
5. Check your local stores. My local Kroger is giving me a discount because I will be ordering my flowers, meat, veggies, and fruit from them.
6. I had my dress made so that saved me a $1000.00 dollars.
7. I bargined with the woman that married us so I ended up only paying $50.00 (she charges 200 normally)
8. I am doing a papmered chef party for the bridal party for me. This way those want to by gifts can. Other than that we are asking for cash and gift cards to finish up the house.
9. You can buy cakes at your local sams that are beauiful.

This is just soe of what I have come accross. I will let you know know as I go.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Laundry soap

I have ha a lot of people ask me about a laundry soap recipe so here it is. Feel free to let me know if you have questions or ways to make it better!!
1/2 cup Borax

1/2 cup Arm and hammer washing soda

1 bar Ivory soap ( watch for coupons in your Sunday paper)

Hot Water about a gallon plus 8 cups

First, I use the 8 cups of water in a big stock pot. I then cut the bar of soap up into little pieces and add to water. Heat until all soap is melted. Then add the Borax and Arm and Hammer. Stir until until mixed together and the products melt a bit. I then use a kitchen sized garbage can to put it in. I then add the res of water and mix. Let set overnight. It will look like a thick blob. In the morning I will stir it again.

Use a 1/2 per load and you can add any stain releasers or natural oils (add this to your laundry mixture). You can also add 1/2 cup vinager as fabric softner in pace of using dryer sheets.

Crazy 8

If you are a HUGE Gymboree fan but not lovng the prices then check out they are owned by Gymboree but they cost about half the price!!!

Saturday, February 13, 2010


The year was 1937, a bleak and dreary winter. There wasn't any work for my father, who tried to farm that year. The cotton had dried up in the bole, and couldn't be picked, the old farm was just worn out. Every one was in the same circumstance. There was a large family of us, my two older brothers had left home by then.

Christmas time came and my mom worried so about the two younger children, as they still looked for Santa's visit. So to make the rest of us feel better, we all went out along the old HedgeApple fence row where we gathered up fire wood to heat the old house, we looked until we found this little evergreen tree, which was very rare in that part of the country. We dug it up and carried it to the house where we found an old bucket that we filled with sand and planted the little tree. It was put on my mothers old treddle sewing machine in front of the window.
We soon realized there was nothing to decorate it with. So out we kids went along the gravel road and gathered up empty cigerette packets and took the foil out, from which we made icecicles. We were so poor that there wasn't even popcorn to string for it. We did finish triming it with little things made from art paper at school. To us it was such a beautiful tree and it couldn't have been more than a foot tall. When Christmas morning came Santa had some how managed to bring our little sister a small rubber doll and our little brother a miniature red wagon. We were all so happy for them. Mom had saved enough sugar to make taffy and she let us help pull it. Our neighbors brought us oranges that were put in our stockings. This was a great treat for five children that didn't think there would be any Christmas at all.

From "My Christmas never to be forgotten"

Written By: Ola Naomi Rudd

I love this story which was written by my grandmother. She was always writing stories about her childhood. But what I love the most it the point the story makes. Although they didn't have much, they still had great memories. They didn't need lots of things just each other.

Pass the love around not the gifts!!!!

Sharing is a reward.

Checking out at my local Meijers today I ran into an old friend. I haven't seen her since high school. It was great being able to catch up and we realized that one of her family members is a teacher helper in my daughters class. All I hear about form my daughter is how great she is!! lol As we started talking, we started to exchange ideas on where to get great produce. I then told her that she is welcome to come and get some of my apples to can. Now I am thinking that maybe i could give her a lot of apples in exchange having her can some for me also. I think that this is a great idea for those who are not sure how to can but have the fruit. So I am asking everyone out there to do this one thing~ this week share with a friend or neighbor. If you can shovel a driveway in exchange for a can of fruit or veggies you need then all works out great!!!


I have had a lot of people ask to see some of my parents crafts/paintings that they do. So I am going to post them. All the things posted are for sale until otherwise noted. If you are interested then please email me at

OOPS! OK well the pictures will not upload right now so I will have to do them a little later. Please stay with me and I will post them as soon as I can.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Pizza~ one of my favorite foods but my mom would laugh if she heard that. While we were growing up pizza was a twice a week food. Almost every Thursday or Friday we would head over to Fenton Rd to the Little Ceaser's Pizza House. I remember thinking that, when I get older I would never eat it again. Oh well I guess I fibbed! LOL. I am actually making pizza for dinner, well stromboli but close enough. I have found that when I make it from scratch I enjoy it more. So off I went to the kitchen and whipped up some dough. I thought with this in mind that I would post a recipe that I like.

You will need~

Kitchen Aid mixer or eletric hand mixer ( any eletric mixer :) )
31/4 cups flour ( i like to use 2 1/4 cups wheat and 1 cup white)
2 tablespoons olive oil (you can use veg oil but olive oil has more flavor)
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 packet rapid rise yeast or 2 1/4 teaspoon rapid bread machine yeast.
1 cup warm water

First mix 1 1/4 cup flour, yeast, and salt. Mix with fork just until blended. Second, add water and mix with mixer on low until blended. Slowly add flour until all is used. You may need to add more water because you will want the dough to be where you can roll it into a ball and it doesn't stick. Put in a bowl and cover with towel for 10 minutes. Then, roll out with rolling pin and make you pizza. Make sure to spray pan so pizza doesn't stick. If you have a pizza sone then just sprinkle with corn meal instead. Cook at 375 degrees for 25 to 30 minutes!!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Crafts for kids

I am always trying to find fun ideas for the kids. We love to do crafts but are always looking for new ideas. Well I thought I would post one of our favorites!

What you will need~

About 10 baby food jars ( ask friends to save them for you or you can use mason jars)
Art paint that can be used on glass (you may need a sealer depending on the paint you use)
paint brushes
candles (small tea light candles for baby food jars and may use a bigger candle for mason jars)

Take the jars and paint away. You can paint them all one color or paint designs, etc.
Place a candle in the jar after the paint dries.
They make great table decorations for parties or just to brighten up a table. They also make great gifts for the kids to give.

If you want you could use on fourth of July. Use red. white, and blue paint. Paint on some stars and stripes and they are good to go.

I love this craft because if you are having a party you can then decorate cupcakes in the colors you used on the candles!!!

Idea for summer~ number two!

Well I hated the mosquitos that we had last year so I decided that this year we are making bat houses! They will take care of the bugs and we can enjoy the outdoors in piece. I will place them around the backyard on huge posts. For those of you who have not made it to Austin, Tx to see the bats well this could be an alternative. I remember the first time I saw the show. I kept thinking what is the the big deal then......whoosh......the sky turned dark with loads of bats out for the night. It was the most amazing thing I have ever seen well next to childbirth. lol It was a beautiful show. I suggest that if you ever get a chance then mosey on down there to check it out!

I also need to trim my apple trees! I am not sure when you are supposed to do this and how. I would love to hear ideas. I know it sounds like I have tons of things going on but it is just my list from last year that didn't get finished. We do a lot of canning so the trees need to be lower and produce a higher yield so that I can make pies and apple sauce!! My pear trees are fine but I need to find an organic spray to keep the pesty bugs off!!!

Now if you have a garden and have problems with the animals taking off with your produce....well I have been told that a great way to fix this is to use pie pans.

What you will need~

four posts (for each corner of the garden)
8 pie pans
a bag of popcorn unpopped
twisty ties or pipe cleaners
a hole punch
heavy fish line

Take pie pans and punch matching holes around the pans (so you can tie them back together)
fill with a 1/2 of popcorn and then put the two pie pans together (the bottoms should face out on both sides)
use the twisty ties to tie the pie pans together so that the popcorn does not fall out.
Tie fishing line through one of the holes
make string long enough so that you can attach it to the poles.

Now I haven't used this idea yet but we are trying it out this year. I also know that merrigolds planted in between the veggie rows is supposed to deter animals!!

Do you have a great summer idea? How about a craft? We are always looking for great ideas!!!

Ideas for summer~

Ok so I know I am thinking ahead but......It is really good to be prepared. Now is the time to really start thinking about your garden. What do you want to plant? How much space do you have to work with? I start planning now so that I can start drawing up plans, picking out seeds and start growing them so I have great seedlings so that they are ready to plant. I also need to plan a place for my composting so that I can keep it going. During the winter I put my compost right on my garden. For those who live in small spaces a contained compost is a great idea! Here is how to do that:

What you need~

1- medium sized ruber maid storage container (size will depend on space. I used one that was about a 5 gallon)
1- bag of organic soil
1- organic\natural paper
1- bucket of water
1- container of earh worms (this is optional but it works faster with them)

First drill small holes in bucket as follows

2 on each end and four on the sides. They should only be about the size of a pencil.

Next, add a little damp soil to just cover the bottem.
Take the paper and rip it up into strips. Wet them then lay over the top of the soil.
Add worms!

It is that easy! Then just add all your food left overs, BUT do not put meat or dairy products in your compost. It will stink and if you have a small space it will not smell great! You canput egg shells, lettuce, tomatoes, bananas, etc! You will want to turn the soil about every three weeks but be careful of the worms! You don't want to hurt them! :)

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Well I thought that I would go ahead and start posting my savings so that friends and family can see how well I am doing!

Ok well here are some great deals at Walgreen's!

Dove Men's body wash is $5.99 then you get $5.99 in R.R
If you have the Dove coupon it was at Meijers (hehe) it is for $1.00 off when you buy one Dove Men's body was h and 6pk bar face soap. They run about $3-$4.

Next, Shick Titanium is on sale for 8.99 plus I have a coupon for a rufund up to 11.99 so it makes the razor free. Then you get $3.00 back in R.R.

Hall's are on sale for .99 cents then I have a coupon for $1.00 off 2 bags. This makes them .50cents a bag!

Shick quattro razors are on sale for $5.99 - $1.99 walgreens coupon= $4.99
Then use the $3.00 off 1 coupon that came in the S.S. to make the razors only 1.99

Kotex pads and tampons are 2 for $6. Then you get back $3.00 in R.R for a price of 2 for $3.00. I then have a coupon for $2.00 off when you buy 2. This makes them a $1 for 2!!!

I also will break up this order so that I can use my R.R (or you can hols on to them for bigger purchases). You cannot get cash back so make sure your order uses all the R.R.

Ok so now to explain some of the lingo!!

R.R. means register rewards. It is a coupon you will get bck that is good for your next purchase.
S.S means smart savers coupons
R.P is red plum coupons
P&G is Procter and Gamble

Make sure to check back tomorrow for deals dealing with groceries!!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Products I love!

If you have ever suffered from food allergies, you know how hard it can be to find good products. Well I have found a few products I love and just wanted to share them with you. Some are Gluten free and some are well...just good.

If you have never tried TINKYADA pasta, then now is the time. They have many varities and come in non-organic and organic. I love this pasta! It tastes just like regular pasta. I have found out that the best way to cook it is this- soak it in cold water for one hour. When ready to eat prepare as followed- heat water until boiing. then drain and rinse pasta. finally, add pasta to hot water. Cook until hot then serve with sauce.

I also love UNCLE EDDIES vegan cookies. If you have never tried these then you are deffantly missing out! They carry about six different kinds. My favorite are the trail mix cookies.

Mother's Cocoa Bumpers YUMMY! They taste like cocoa puffs but they are natural! I also noticed that once you have had them you can't go back!

I love to cook so great food is a big deal. I love to take the TINKYADA shells (they look like big seashells) and stuff them with a mixture of riocotta cheese, basil, parm, and well any cheeses you love actually. I then take a red sauce mixed with cut veggies and pour it over the top. I then add a bit of parm and then mozzerella over the top. Bake at 375 degrees until cheese is golden brown. Make sure you cover with foil for the first 20 minutes. Take cover off and cook another 10 to 15 minutes. YUMMY! I also like to make hmemade mac and cheese.

To make mac and cheese-

I start with the TINKYADA elbow noodles. I soak 2cups in cold water for an hour. The I rinse and set aside ( this will soften the noodles and take some of the starch off the noodles). Next I prepare the sauce. To do this you will need 2cups milk, 2tablespoons butter (i like real butter), 2tablespoons flour (you can use rice flour for this and some times I only use one tablespoon), 1 1/2cup sharp cheddar, 1/2 cup mozzerella, about 1/3 cup parm cheese ( this depends on how much you like this cheese), paprika, salt and pepper to taste.

I put milk, butter, flour, and cheese in pan and melt on low ( you can do medium low but watch to make sure you don't scorch the milk). Cook until all cheese is melted. I then add a sprinkle of paprika, a bit of salt and pepper to taste. I then place noodles in boiling water until warm. When they are warm place them in an oven safe dish. Then add the cheese mixture. Stir to mix it all togther. Sprinkle top with paprika. Cover and bake for 30 minutes at 350 degrees!

If you have food allergy to gluten you will love these gluten free peanut butter cookies.

1cup sugar granulated. It can be organic.
1cup Peanut Butter. Again, can be organic.
1 egg.

Mix all ingredients together. I like to bake them at 350 for about 10 minutes. This will depend on your stove. I also like to melt gluten free chocolate and dip the cookies in the chocolate and then let them set. When the chocolate hardens they are ready to eat!

Well I hope you enjoy the goodies I have liste above! You can let me know. Just drop me a line!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Getting ready for summer!

Well as I watch, I am starting to see signs of spring. Yes I know, I sound crazy but I feel it in my bones! So what does that mean to me? Well now I start getting my plants ready. I start my seedlings so they are ready for planting, plan out my garden and well get the compost ready! I compost all year long so that I have great soil for my garden. But this year we are also going to cut back the apple trees so that we can get more yeild. I want to be able to get more fruit so I can uh can. LOL I mean make applesauce and can it. I also have pear trees and grapes. So what would you plant in your garden and why? I would love to have recipes that go with the foods you grow!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Losing weight!

Ok so the time has come where I need to lose weight! I have until June to lose about 38 pounds. I have found that since I have had kaelyn that I keep gaining weight, not losing it. So starting tomorrow I am doing it...that's right the dirty little word...exercise. I am going to try to cut down my pop intake to only one pop a day. I need to drink more water and really focus on that. I have been working out with the YOUR SHAPE on the Wii. So I guess I jus need encouragement so I am asking everyone that is going through tis to post a comment and let me know your favorite ways to lose weight. I would also like to know your favorite cleanse programs also!!