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Saturday, February 13, 2010


The year was 1937, a bleak and dreary winter. There wasn't any work for my father, who tried to farm that year. The cotton had dried up in the bole, and couldn't be picked, the old farm was just worn out. Every one was in the same circumstance. There was a large family of us, my two older brothers had left home by then.

Christmas time came and my mom worried so about the two younger children, as they still looked for Santa's visit. So to make the rest of us feel better, we all went out along the old HedgeApple fence row where we gathered up fire wood to heat the old house, we looked until we found this little evergreen tree, which was very rare in that part of the country. We dug it up and carried it to the house where we found an old bucket that we filled with sand and planted the little tree. It was put on my mothers old treddle sewing machine in front of the window.
We soon realized there was nothing to decorate it with. So out we kids went along the gravel road and gathered up empty cigerette packets and took the foil out, from which we made icecicles. We were so poor that there wasn't even popcorn to string for it. We did finish triming it with little things made from art paper at school. To us it was such a beautiful tree and it couldn't have been more than a foot tall. When Christmas morning came Santa had some how managed to bring our little sister a small rubber doll and our little brother a miniature red wagon. We were all so happy for them. Mom had saved enough sugar to make taffy and she let us help pull it. Our neighbors brought us oranges that were put in our stockings. This was a great treat for five children that didn't think there would be any Christmas at all.

From "My Christmas never to be forgotten"

Written By: Ola Naomi Rudd

I love this story which was written by my grandmother. She was always writing stories about her childhood. But what I love the most it the point the story makes. Although they didn't have much, they still had great memories. They didn't need lots of things just each other.

Pass the love around not the gifts!!!!

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