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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Laundry soap

I have ha a lot of people ask me about a laundry soap recipe so here it is. Feel free to let me know if you have questions or ways to make it better!!
1/2 cup Borax

1/2 cup Arm and hammer washing soda

1 bar Ivory soap ( watch for coupons in your Sunday paper)

Hot Water about a gallon plus 8 cups

First, I use the 8 cups of water in a big stock pot. I then cut the bar of soap up into little pieces and add to water. Heat until all soap is melted. Then add the Borax and Arm and Hammer. Stir until until mixed together and the products melt a bit. I then use a kitchen sized garbage can to put it in. I then add the res of water and mix. Let set overnight. It will look like a thick blob. In the morning I will stir it again.

Use a 1/2 per load and you can add any stain releasers or natural oils (add this to your laundry mixture). You can also add 1/2 cup vinager as fabric softner in pace of using dryer sheets.

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